MP1 artist's book 《Expanded Retina | 拡張される網膜》 2012 ←INDEX 写真を主とした制作を行う美術家のエグチマサル・藤本涼・横田大輔・吉田和生と、批評家の星野太(表象文化論)によるプロジェクト「MP1」初のアーティストブック。[限定500部] MP1 is a project by four artists who use photography as the main technique in their art works, Masaru Eguchi, Ryo Fujimoto, Daisuke Yokota, Kazuo Yoshida and a critic Futoshi Hoshino (researcher in the field of Studies of Culture and Representation). MP1 the first artist’s book. [Limited edition of 500] Conversation: 最高速度と最高密度 [エグチマサル×飯沢耕太郎(写真評論家)] The Highest Speed and the Highest Density [Masaru Eguchi and Kotaro Iizawa (Photography Critique)] 集合的記憶としての写真 [藤本涼×後藤繁雄(編集者、クリエイティヴ・ディレクター)] Photograph as a Collective Memory [Ryo Fujimoto and Shigeo Goto (Editor, Creative Director)] ノイズとしての感覚イメージ [横田大輔×粟田大輔(美術批評)] Image as a Noise, caused by Our Senses [Daisuke Yokota and Daisuke Awata (Art Critique)] 不可視的な領域への接近 [吉田和生×天野太郎(横浜美術館主席学芸員)] An Approach to the Invisible Zone [Kazuo Yoshida and Taro Amano (Chief Curator, Yokohama Museum of Art)] トークショー@ヨコハマトリエンナーレ 新・港村 [MP1×伊藤俊治(美術史家)] Conversation (@Shin-Minatomura, Yokohama Triennale 2011) [MP1 (Eguchi, Fujimoto, Yokota, Yoshida, and Hoshino) with Toshiharu Ito (Art Historian)] 290 × 210 mm, 64 pages, Soft cover, Offset print Editorial Design: Futoshi Hoshino Editor: Fumiaki Banba (BAMBA BOOKS) Editorial Team: BAMBA BOOKS Naomi Okamoto Naohiko Kikuchi Miwako Hashimoto Yukie Furuhata Translator: Etsuko Shimoya, Toshiaki Takaku, Masako Hariu, Simone Aoki, Futoshi Hoshino Design: Goshi Uhira Special Thanks G/P gallery First Publishing in Japan, January 2012 Published by BAMBA BOOKS ¥1,500 (Tax in.) © 2012 BAMBA BOOKS Publisher and the Artists →Online store © 2004-2024 Ryo Fujimoto All Rights Reserved. |